Civic expansion in the late 1880s and demands for housing caused new residential areas to open off the fringes of town. As a result, rental dwellings appeared along Spencer Street creating a diverse population of working-class and ethnic families. Many expressmen and teamsters like William Sieger ran businesses on this back alley street close to downtown. A Midwesterner, Sieger moved his family to this address before 1900. The extended family, along with William, his wife Clara, and their children, lived here for over fifty years. Sieger built the large garage to accommodate his moving service and express and teamster business. The wagon shed and its close location to narrow Spencer Street helps to establish the character of the area. The present home likely incorporated a pre-1892 structure that occupied the lot. By 1927, the residence had its present look. The house exhibits many elements of the vernacular masonry architecture popular in the neighborhood at the time, including the simple block form, segmentally arched openings, and hipped roof.