Filed Under Havre

Company Officers' Quarters (Duplexes)

Fort Assinniboine Historic District

A row of thirteen mansard-roofed officers’ quarters, flanked by two flat-roofed apartment buildings, defined the northeast side of the parade grounds. Ten of the buildings were duplexes, most like this one, designed to house married officers and their families. At the center of the row were three single-family homes, intended for the post commander and his field staff. This last remaining duplex was likely the first one built in 1879-80 from brick manufactured on site, with “fire brick” for the chimneys and fireplaces imported from Helena. Steamboats brought the woodwork upriver to Coal Banks, before freighters hauled it forty miles north by wagon. Each unit contained two identical apartments with mirrored floor plans. Local stories recount that the thin walls between apartments led couples to take their arguments outside. Nevertheless, an 1889 Helena Independent article described these homes as the “center of a little world of charming society,” enlivened by whist parties and formal dinners. Officers’ wives “guided by excellent taste” adorned their parlor walls “with costly and well-selected etchings” and furnished the duplexes with “all the dainty luxuries … found in city homes.”


Company Officers' Quarters (Duplexes)
Company Officers' Quarters (Duplexes) Company Officers' Quarters (Duplexes). Front view of the building, facing south to southeast from the entry road leading into the officers' complex area off of Fort Circle. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Becki Miller Date: Oct. 2015- June 2016
Company Officers' Quarters (Duplexes)
Company Officers' Quarters (Duplexes) Company Officers' Quarters (Duplexes). Rear to side view of the building, facing north to northeast from the side road leading to the rear of the structure. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Becki Miller Date: Oct. 2015- June 2016


County Road 82nd Avenue West, .5 miles southeast of US 87, Havre, Montana | Public


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Company Officers' Quarters (Duplexes),” Historic Montana, accessed September 11, 2024,