Filed Under Havre

Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments)

Fort Assinniboine Historic District

A battlement-topped octagonal turret—a traditional military architectural symbol—distinguishes Fort Assinniboine’s Company Officers’ Quarters. Built in 1880 under supervision of Major J. C. C. Lee, the six-unit building asserted permanency and sophistication despite geographic isolation. The architecture particularly impressed a reporter visiting from Fort Benton in 1881, who called the buildings “strikingly handsome.” Usually, two unmarried junior infantry officers resided in each apartment. Unmarried junior cavalry officers lived in a second apartment building that once flanked the northeast end of officer’s row. The first floors of the almost identical apartments feature a vestibule, a parlor with a brick fireplace and decorative wooden mantel, a dining room, and a kitchen. A staircase with a turned wooden banister leads to the second-floor bedrooms. The officers occupied the two front bedrooms; their servants lived in the two rear bedrooms, accessed by a separate staircase. A senior officer lived in the apartment with the tower, which had two additional rooms. The apartments’ spacious and well-appointed interiors reflect the relative luxury that surrounded even the fort’s junior officers when not on patrol.


Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments)
Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments) Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments). Front view of the building, facing southeast from the entry road leading in to the company officers' quarters near the round driveway in front of the Library. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Becki Miller Date: Oct. 2015- June 2016
Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments)
Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments) Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments). Close view of the prominent tower situated on the southwest corner of the building nearest the Officers' Amusement Hall, facing south from the driveway into the structure. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Becki Miller Date: Oct. 2015- June 2016
Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments)
Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments) Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments). Side view on the south side of the building, facing northeast from the rear lawn area of the Officers' Amusement Hall with a view of the prominent tower of the structure. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Becki Miller Date: Oct. 2015- June 2016


County Road 82nd Avenue West, .5 miles southeast of US 87, Havre, Montana | Public


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Company Officers' Quarters (Apartments),” Historic Montana, accessed September 10, 2024,