Filed Under Bozeman

Thomas Noble House

Bon Ton Historic District

Thomas and Anna Noble came to Bozeman in 1890 from Salesville. Thomas, an experienced logger, secured employment with the Prey Lumber Company. After S. C. Kenyon purchased the firm, Kenyon and Noble became partners in the business, furnishing early Bozeman with essential building materials. Noble built a home across the street and then built this larger residence in 1903. Anna died just six weeks after the birth of their third daughter in 1904. Thomas raised his daughters and when he died in 1933, daughter Helen and her husband, Earl Creasy, made their home here until 1987. The splendid Queen Anne style home appears nearly as it did in 1903; its square columns, corner-trimmed beveled siding, and wraparound porch are virtually unchanged. Ornately carved crown moldings, beautifully grained stairwork, and hardwood floors showcase Thomas Noble’s knowledge of fine wood. Multi-paned and patterned leaded glass transoms recall the gracious Victorian era. In 1997, the home received Bozeman’s Historic Preservation Award for the sensitive and compatible design of a new addition.


Thomas Noble House
Thomas Noble House Thomas Noble House. Front to side view of the house, facing west on South 3rd Avenue. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Patricia Bick Date: Apr. 1987


311 South 3rd Avenue, Bozeman, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Thomas Noble House,” Historic Montana, accessed September 11, 2024,