Filed Under Bozeman

John Cook / Arthur H. Post Residence

Bon Ton Historic District

Doctors, lawyers, and professors settled in the preferred Bon Ton Historic District, building homes that reflected their community status. Dr. John Cook, a Bozeman dentist, built this Colonial Revival style Cape Cod cottage in 1925. Although not an elaborate home, its appealing façade and quality construction are typical of the district’s more modest, later homes. The rectangular shape and steep gabled roof crowned with finials define the Cape Cod form while symmetrical composition and pedimented entry are hallmarks of the Colonial Revival style. By 1930, Arthur H. and Margaret Post owned the home where they raised two sons. Dr. Post was professor of agronomy at Montana State University from 1924 to 1969 and department chairman from 1937 to 1964. In 1980, MSU honored Dr. Post for his contributions in plant and soil science with its coveted Blue and Gold Award; a research laboratory on campus bears his name. Arthur died in 1982. Margaret, who taught weaving in the basement to many local residents, remained here until 1994. New owners lovingly renovated and expanded the home in the 1990s.


John Cook/Arthur H. Post Residence
John Cook/Arthur H. Post Residence John Cook/Arthur H. Post Residence. Front to side view of the house, facing northwest near the corner of West Cleveland Street and South Grand Avenue. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Patricia Bick Date: Apr. 1987


205 West Cleveland Street, Bozeman, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “John Cook / Arthur H. Post Residence,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,