Filed Under Bozeman

602 South Grand Avenue

Bon Ton Historic District

The 1893 economic depression had ended when J. H. Beverly constructed this vernacular residence in 1899. Bozeman’s steady turn-of-the-century growth made his a sound investment. Frank Alderson, treasurer of the Avant Courier and the youngest son of Bozeman founder Reverend William Alderson, purchased the two-and-one-half-story house for $2,500, renting it to department store owner Burr Fisher. When Fisher moved out, Alderson moved in, but only temporarily while contractors finished his new house two blocks north. Rachel Hoy, wife of successful Gallatin Valley farmer Charles Hoy, purchased the home in 1903, likely as a winter residence. While Rachel was one of many women who owned property in Montana at the turn of the twentieth century, female property ownership was not a straightforward reflection of women’s economic power. Under certain circumstances, married women’s property was protected from their husbands’ creditors, and families used this fact to protect their assets. Members of the Hoy family resided here into the 1920s. The wraparound front porch and rear addition are new.


602 South Grand, Bon Ton
602 South Grand, Bon Ton Alderson Residence 602 South Grand Fairview, Block 8, Lots 19-20 Bozeman, Montana Photographer: Mary Kay Peck Date Taken: April 1983 View: looking southeast (verso) b&w print Source: Official records of the Montana State Historic Preservation Office, Helena, Montana Creator: Mary Kay Peck Date: April 1983


602 South Grand Avenue, Bozeman, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “602 South Grand Avenue,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,