Architect J. F. Everett designed this Mission Revival style brick bungalow for builder A. C. Hollenbeck in 1904. The home’s curvilinear dormer and gables, multi-paned decorative windows, and arched lintels topped with keystones exemplify the style. A. C. Hollenbeck owned the Missoula Brick and Cement Company and, not surprisingly, his homes prominently featured brick construction. John and Olive Green bought the house in 1907. John and his partner Lou Ellinghouse co-owned a livery and taxicab company. They sold the business in 1915. John subsequently served as Missoula city commissioner and, in 1916, voters elected him Missoula County sheriff. As sheriff, he primarily focused on enforcing Progressive-era laws against alcohol, gambling, and vice. Olive served as matron for the female inmates, even escorting an alleged check forger from Colorado back to Missoula to face charges. John lost his bid for re-election in 1924. Dr. James Graybeal and wife Alberta bought the home in 1927 and lived here until 1932. Various superintendents for the Amalgamated Sugar factory resided here from 1932 to 1936, when the company sold the plant to American Crystal Sugar.