Filed Under Miles City

Coleman Residence

Miles City East Main Street Residential Historic District

The steamer Far West carried Irish immigrant James Coleman to Fort Keogh in 1876. After working for the army sutler, Coleman moved into Miles City, where he managed a saloon frequented by army regulars. In 1882, he married his Irish bride, Margaret Golden. The couple had ten children. By 1912, Coleman owned his own saloon, the New Stand, had invested in a coal mine and ranchland, and had helped found the Miles City Chamber of Commerce. That year, the Colemans decided to build a new home, which reflected their rise in status. Fashion at the time dictated clean lines, a trend this elegant residence personifies. Its two-and-one-half stories, simple box shape, low-hipped roof, and large central dormer mark it as a foursquare. One of the most popular styles in America during the 1910s, foursquares offered a dignified home for a relatively economical price. Members of the Coleman family continued to live here into the 1950s. In later years, the porch was enclosed and the house was converted into apartments. In the 1990s, the long process of restoring the home began.


Coleman Residence
Coleman Residence Coleman Residence. Front to side view of the house, facing southwest near the corner of East Main Street and South Strevell Avenue. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office Creator: Dena Sanford and Susan McDaniel Date: Mar. 1989


2116 Main Street, Miles City, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Coleman Residence,” Historic Montana, accessed October 22, 2024,