The Queen Anne style is beautifully interpreted in this Victorian-era showpiece built circa 1891. The T-shaped residence features unusual elements including mock brick quoins at the corners and a large front window with an arched upper light of stained glass cutwork. The decorative bargeboard in the gable, common in early Carpenter Gothic styles on the frontier, is unusual for the 1890s in Butte. After several other occupants, Judge John Lindsay settled into the home in 1908. Lindsay came to Butte in 1889 as private secretary and legal counsel to Marcus Daly. Lindsay’s main task was examination of right-of-way titles for Daly’s railroad ventures. Lindsay went into private practice three years later, served a term as district judge and returned to private practice until his retirement in the late 1930s. Lindsay and his first wife, Cora, raised their three children here. She was bedridden after a stroke in 1916 and died in 1921. Lindsay later married Mrs. Kathryn Ryan. Widowed in 1943, Kathryn Lindsay remained at home until her death in 1950.