Filed Under Forsyth

542 North Twelfth Avenue

Forsyth Residential Historic District

Northern Pacific conductor Frank Runyan and his wife, Nellie, built this one-story bungalow in 1914. County jailor Dick Wright and his wife, Edith, lived here from 1919 to 1923. A. J. and Ina Freeman owned the home in 1940. A. J. was justice of the peace; Ina helped found the Forsyth library and served as its first librarian. Before dentist Craig Phillips and his wife, Julia, purchased the residence in 1942, the house had been used as a duplex. One family lived in the daylight basement and the other on the main floor. Both families shared a single bathroom by the basement stairs. A community-minded dentist, Craig served on the school board, the hospital board, and as a church trustee. His business records show that he charged the same rates from 1934, when he opened his Forsyth practice, until his death in 1966. After Craig died, Julia worked for twenty-one years as secretary of the Federated Church. She lived here full time until 1990 and then in the summers until her death in 2000.


542 North Twelfth
542 North Twelfth 542 North Twelfth (PAc 91-51 Forsyth Roll02 F04). Front to side view of the house, facing west on North 12th Avenue with 558 North Twelfth Avenue neighboring to north. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: 1988


542 North 12th Avenue, Forsyth, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “542 North Twelfth Avenue,” Historic Montana, accessed September 10, 2024,