Filed Under St. Xavier

St. Xavier Mission Church and Rectory

The Apsáalooke people had occasional contact with the Jesuits beginning in 1840, including Father Pierre Jean DeSmet, the first “Black Robe” to visit what is now the State of Montana. By 1880 other Jesuits arrived to evangelize the reservation; they established a permanent mission here in February 1887. Fathers Peter Prando and Peter Bandini resided in a tent before constructing the first permanent building at St. Xavier, a two-story boarding school (which is no longer standing), staffed by Ursuline nuns. Construction of the 1888 rectory and a wooden Gothic style church soon followed. Money to build the church came from Philadelphia heiress Katherine Drexel, who founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and donated her entire fortune to mission work. An excellent linguist, Father Prando soon translated hymns, Bible stories, and the catechism into Crow. However, the Jesuits saw the school as their best tool for gaining converts—both among the pupils and their parents. Punishments at the school could be harsh, and close-knit Crow families disliked the boarding school system because it took their children away from home. Nevertheless, most parents preferred the mission school to the agency school, and many families established camps nearby in order to see their children as often as possible. The mission also served as an orphanage and hospital; Father Prando particularly was well known as a healer. Eventually, government funding ceased, and the school closed temporarily, reopening as a Catholic day and boarding school. Unlike in the nineteenth century, in 2020, Crow language and culture were part of the curriculum.


St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT Early view of St. Xavier Mission Church with people posing in front Source: St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT Creator: unknown photographer Date: ca. 1890
St. Francis Xavier Mission rectory and school, St. Xavier, MT
St. Francis Xavier Mission rectory and school, St. Xavier, MT Early view of St. Francis Xavier rectory in the foreground and the mission school in the background. A team of horses is hitched to a wagon and the property appears to be fenced. A canvas tent also lies between the rectory and the school, on the school side of the fence. Source: St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT Creator: unknown photographer Date: ca. 1887
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT Interior view of the altar area Source: St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT Creator: unknown photographer Date: ca. 1890
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT View of facade Source: National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places Registration Form Creator: National Register of Historic Places Date: 8/17/1990
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT View of facade Source: St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT Creator: photographer unknown Date: ca. 2019
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT Interior view of altar Source: St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT Creator: unknown photographer Date: ca. 2019
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT
St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT Interior view of wood pews, gothic arch windows, and iconographic paintings. Source: St. Francis Xavier Mission Church, St. Xavier, MT Creator: unknown photographer Date: ca. 2019


The boundary for the historic property is scribed approximately 15' to the north and west of the mission church, 15' to the south of the rectory, and 60' to the east of both buildings. The overall dimensions of the boundary are 136' by 150'. St. Xavier, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “St. Xavier Mission Church and Rectory,” Historic Montana, accessed September 10, 2024,