Filed Under Pryor

Chief Plenty Coups Home

National Historic Landmark

Aleek-chea-ahoosh, or “Many Achievements,” was a fitting name for the influential Crow chief who was esteemed among his people and honored by both statesmen and presidents. White men called him Plenty Coups for the 80 feathers he wore with earned authority on his coup stick. A veteran warrior and shrewd negotiator, Plenty Coups was also a true, if sometimes critical, patriot and friend to the white man. At the age of ten, Plenty Coups had a dream, which foretold the demise of the buffalo. His tribe realized the poignant truth this vision held and, unlike others, the Crow resignedly “pointed their guns with the white man’s.” The passing of the buffalo brought irreparable change, and Plenty Coups served as a bridge for his people between the old ways and the new. On the reservation he learned to farm and in 1888 chose this spot to build a home of square hewn logs; in keeping with native custom, the door faces east. Completed in 1906, it was the reservation’s only two-story building. Plenty Coups and his wife, Strikes-the-Iron, executed a Deed of Trust, providing that 40 acres of the farm be “set aside as a park and recreation ground for members of the Crow Tribe of Indians and white people jointly….” The government symbolically accepted this gift at a great ceremony in 1928. Plenty Coups died in 1932 at the age of 84. He was the last chief of the Crow Nation, so venerated that his people never named a successor. The designation of Chief Plenty Coups Memorial State Park in 1965 would have been in accordance with his wishes.


Chief Plenty Coup Home overview
Chief Plenty Coup Home overview View of side and facade Source: National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form Creator: National Register of Historic Places Date: 1970
Chief Plenty Coup Home
Chief Plenty Coup Home Facade Source: National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form Creator: National Register of Historic Places Date: 1970
Chief Plenty Coup Home
Chief Plenty Coup Home Detail of front porch Source: National Park Service, National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form Creator: National Register of Historic Places Date: 1970
Chief Plenty Coup's Home
Chief Plenty Coup's Home Photo of house exterior. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Tom Ferris, photographer Date: 28 July, 2022
Chief Plenty Coup's Home
Chief Plenty Coup's Home Photo of house and outer building. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Tom Ferris, photographer Date: 28 July, 2022
Chief Plenty Coup's Home
Chief Plenty Coup's Home Photo of house interior. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Tom Ferris, photographer Date: 28 July, 2022


0.5 miles west of Pryor at the intersection of BIA roads number 5 and number 8 (Edgar Road), Pryor, Montana | Public


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Chief Plenty Coups Home,” Historic Montana, accessed October 22, 2024,