Filed Under Missoula

Journalism Building

The University of Montana Historic District

Dean Arthur Stone pitched four tents near the Oval in 1914, thereby founding the University’s School of Journalism. An old bicycle shed and later World War I army barracks served as quarters for this discipline, then considered “non-essential.” After a long struggle, the Public Works Administration appropriated building funds. Architects R. C. Hugenin of Butte and Norman DeKay of Helena designed the 1937 Renaissance Revival-inspired building, adding liberal modern touches and asymmetrically placed windows. Home of the university newspaper, The Kaimin, and dedicated to Dean Stone, this building represents the hard-won acceptance of journalism as an academic discipline.


Journalism Building
Journalism Building University of Montana Journalism building, built in 1936. Renamed Old Journalism in 2008. Front view of building, facing southeast near the Forestry Building. Source: Montana History Portal Creator: Stan Healy Date: After 1936


32 Campus Drive, Missoula, Montana | Public


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Journalism Building,” Historic Montana, accessed September 20, 2024,