Filed Under Helena

Koch House

Helena South-Central Historic District

A small rectangular gabled dwelling built against a one-room log cabin stood on this spacious corner in the 1870s. The property had changed hands several times when Austrian immigrant Franz Koch, a bookbindery foreman, purchased it in the late 1880s. His German wife, Meta, was a skilled seamstress who ran a dressmaking business from the home. Such “cottage industries” were common in this closeknit neighborhood, where German was a primary language. Both Meta and Franz were talented actors who delighted audiences at the Ming Opera House. By 1895, additions incorporating the original log structure gave the home its present floorplan, and the entrance shifted from Davis to State (formerly Bridge) Street. The Koch family planted lasting roots in the neighborhood, which has since nurtured four generations of descendants. The home remains in the family today, a tribute to Helena’s immigrant settlers who helped shape the early community.


Koch House
Koch House Koch House (PAc 91-51 South Central Helena Roll20 F26). Front to side view of the house, facing north on State Street near the corner of State and South Davis Street. Winter scene. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: 1981
Koch House
Koch House Koch House (PAc 91-51 South Central Helena Roll20 F27). Side to front view of the house, facing northwest on the corner of State Street and South Davis Street. Winter scene. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: 1981


426 State Street, Helena, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Koch House,” Historic Montana, accessed September 10, 2024,