Filed Under Helena

Boyer/Hawkins Residence

Helena Historic District

Newlyweds Isaac Boyer and Carrie Feldberg Boyer moved to their new home within a year of their 1907 marriage. The refined, hipped-roof residence may well have been built to order. The two-story house features popular Colonial Revival style details, including a symmetrical façade, Acanthus leaf designs in the leaded glass windows, and egg-and-dart molding. The interior still boasts the original molded ceilings and a hand-carved fireplace. A successful merchant, Isaac was also an active community member: president of the Helena Mercantile Club; president of Temple Emanuel, the Jewish synagogue; and a member of the King Solomon Masonic lodge. In this, he was typical of Helena’s well-integrated and respected Jewish community. Isaac died at 62 in 1925, and Carrie sold the home in 1929 to physician Thomas Hawkins and his wife Harriet. The Hawkins, who built a rear addition in the early 1930s, raised four children here. Thomas practiced medicine in Montana for 50 years; he was also an avid pilot and, in the 1930s, served as president of the Montana Pilots Association. He owned the home until his death, at age 85, in 1980


Boyer/Hawkins Residence, Helena, MT
Boyer/Hawkins Residence, Helena, MT View of facade Creator: Google Streetview Image Date: Aug 2021


524 Dearborn Avenue, Helena, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Boyer/Hawkins Residence,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,