Filed Under Philipsburg

Kaiser House Annex

Philipsburg Historic Disctrict

A second-story walkway originally connected this three-story masonry building with the Kaiser House, affording the busy establishment more boarding rooms. Constructed circa 1890, its gabled dormers in a metal mansard roof present an appearance unusual to the architecture of Philipsburg. George A. Stephens purchased the hotel in 1908, and thereafter it was known as the Stephens Hotel. It featured a large parlor and rooms for traveling salesmen who brought trunks of sample wares in pursuit of lucrative business.


Kaiser House Annex
Kaiser House Annex Kaiser House Annex, facing east on Montgomery Street, front view of façade, digital photograph. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Michael Connolly Date: June 2019
Kaiser House Annex
Kaiser House Annex Kaiser House Annex, facing southeast on Montgomery Street, front/side view of the building, digital photograph. Source: Montana Historical Society Creator: Michael Connolly Date: June 2019
Kaiser House Annex
Kaiser House Annex Kaiser House Annex. Facing southeast on Montgomery Street, front/side view of the building. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: 1980-1984


Montgomery Street (north of the Kaiser House), Philipsburg, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Kaiser House Annex,” Historic Montana, accessed September 8, 2024,