Kalispell was only two years old when German immigrant Louise Sels and her son Ed had this cross-gabled Queen Anne style residence built in 1892, a year that saw over a hundred homes built in the new town. Louise Sels soon sold the house to her son-in-law Arthur Burnes, but according to the 1900 census, she continued to live in the home with her extended family. The household included her three grown children, granddaughter, son-in-law, and his mother. Josephine Richards and Ella Bell owned the house between 1902 and 1905, renting out "nice large front rooms" to gentlemen. The distinctive horseshoe-shaped porch was added between 1903 and 1907. The home's longest occupant, Maude Drew, lived here between 1905 until her death in 1959 at age 89. A year after she and her husband George bought the house in 1905 they installed a brick sidewalk. The local newspaper lauded this improvement over the standard wood sidewalks and predicted, "Other property owners will note the manner in which the walk wears with much interest."