Filed Under Butte

Butte Northern Pacific Station

Butte Historic District

The first railroad to reach Montana was the Union Pacific (UP), which in 1881 established a terminal one mile south of Uptown. After the Northern Pacific (NP) reached Butte in 1890, it shared the UP’s wooden passenger depot. As Butte grew from town to metropolis, its businessmen lobbied for construction of a grand, union station. The Great Northern (which arrived in Butte in the late 1880s) refused, so in 1906, the NP replaced the 1881 depot with these three hipped-roof buildings. The center structure originally boasted a covered overhang shading the platform. It housed a three-hundred-person general waiting room; men’s smoking and ladies’ private rooms; and ticket and telegraph offices. A stairway led upstairs to a gallery, designed as a public “promenade and lounging place,” as well as to the railroad’s administrative offices. The western building housed the baggage and freight offices; the eastern building housed the express offices and a restaurant. By 1916, twelve NP and four UP passenger trains stopped daily, in addition to “specials,” like the UP’s summer Sunday fishing train. The last passenger train left the station in 1979.


Northern Pacific Station, Butte, MT
Northern Pacific Station, Butte, MT Postcard view of the track side of Northern Pacific Station, ca. 1910 Source: Butte Silver Bow Public Archives, MC0933.006  Date: ca. 1910
Northern Pacific Depot, Butte, MT
Northern Pacific Depot, Butte, MT View of facade Source: Front Street Station website Creator: Ron Reiring, photographer
Northern Pacific Depot, Butte, MT
Northern Pacific Depot, Butte, MT Historic view of passenger building Source: Butte Silver Bow Public Archives, Butte, MT, PH148.63 Date: ca. 1910


800 East Front Street, Butte, MT | public


Montana Historical Society, “Butte Northern Pacific Station,” Historic Montana, accessed September 19, 2024,