Filed Under Anaconda

Tuttle Residence

West Side Historic District

Mass production of decorative details allowed even modest houses to partake of architectural fashion. In the case of this one-and-one-half-story home, stained glass, gingerbread and latticework, turned porch supports, and fish-scale shingles in the gable end visually reference the popular Queen Anne style. Although Charles Tuttle did not formally acquire the land on which this home was built until 1897, he had contractors Smith and Gilmour construct the wood frame residence in 1892, making this one of the oldest homes on Hickory. Tuttle owned the City Drug Co., where he sold pharmaceuticals, hardware, and furniture. In the 1890s, a large furniture warehouse stood behind the home. In 1898, Tuttle expanded his business to include a funeral parlor, selling the drug store in 1900 to focus on undertaking. He later added a livery, creating Tuttle’s Livery and Undertaking. Longtime resident Joseph Malloy, a foreman at the converter plant, and his wife, Sarah, purchased the residence in 1915. More recently, James Milo and Lenore Manning undid alterations from the 1950s and 1960s, restoring the front façade to its original appearance.


Tuttle Residence
Tuttle Residence View of facade Source: Montana Historical Society's Creator: Joe Furshong Date: May 2019
Tuttle Residence
Tuttle Residence View of facade and side elevation Source: Montana Historical Society's Creator: Joe Furshong Date: May 2019


518 Hickory Street, Anaconda, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Tuttle Residence,” Historic Montana, accessed September 10, 2024,