The later 1940s and the aftermath of World War II brought economic prosperity. Americans became more stable financially, mobility increased, and so did the demand for automobiles. Price Motor Sales, one example of this trend, opened in 1948 to serve as an automobile dealership and garage. The building also demonstrates how the war impacted architectural styles. The U.S. Army developed the first Quonset hut in 1941 based on a similar British design used during World War I. Named for their origin at Davisville Naval Base, Quonset Point, Rhode Island, the characteristic buildings—with semi-circular arched roofs of corrugated metal—were easily shipped, quickly erected, and suitable for many uses. After the war, Quonset huts were available to the public and they continue to serve multiple uses today. The double-arched Price Motor Sales building reflects the Multiple Utility Building style, a variation on the typical Quonset form, which allowed for greater expansion. Its unique brick façade, with dark brown decorative accents and false front, covers the austere Quonset form and blends well with its Western Commercial style neighbors.