Filed Under Butte

Milwaukee Depot, Butte

Butte National Historic Landmark District

From the 1880s to the 1950s, trains assured Butte’s survival by transporting everything from passengers and mail to ore. This marvelous depot, with its 95-foot clock tower, was constructed in 1916 to serve passenger trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, or “Milwaukee Road.” The station consisted of a head house for passenger services and a baggage/express building connected by a glass vestibule. St. Louis pressed brick, marble floors, and oak-and-burlap paneling added interior elegance to the 160 tons of structural steel used in the construction of the complex. Electrically powered engines brought no dirt, dust, or smoke into the station, earning it a reputation as a “model of cleanliness.” The depot ceased its original function when train travel diminished in the 1950s. Home of KXLF television since 1957, the depot was one of Butte’s first major restoration projects in the 1970s. It is today an excellent example of preservation and adaptive reuse.


Milwaukee Depot, Butte
Milwaukee Depot, Butte Milwaukee Depot, Butte, facing northwest, front/side view Source: Creator: Date: June 2008
Milwaukee Passenger Station, Butte Daily Post, 1917/01/27
Milwaukee Passenger Station, Butte Daily Post, 1917/01/27 [Front page of January 27, 1917 edition of The Butte Daily Post.] Montana Historical Society Research Center, Helena, Montana Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress b&w scan of microfilm Source: Montana Historical Society Research Center, Helena, Montana; Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress Creator: Montana Historical Society; HTC Date: January 27, 1917
Depot and Train sheds, Butte
Depot and Train sheds, Butte Photo postcard, color. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Depot and Train Sheds, Butte, Montana. Published by Keefe Bros., Post Office News Stand, Butte, Montana, verso Catalog information PAc 2013-50 Box 1-03 Butte - CM & St Paul depot and train sheds. Source: Montana Historical Society Research Center Photograph Archives, Helena, Montana Creator: Unidentified Date: [no date]
Passenger Station, Butte
Passenger Station, Butte Photo postcard, color. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Passenger Station, Butte, Montana. Published by C. T. American Art Co., Chicago, verso. Catalog information PAc 2013-50 Box 1-03 Butte - CM & St Paul Passenger Station Source: Montana Historical Society Research Center Photograph Archives, Helena, Montana Creator: Unidentified Date: [no date]
Milwaukee Depot, Butte
Milwaukee Depot, Butte Milwaukee Depot, Butte, facing northeast, front/side view. Source: Creator: Date: June 2008
Milwaukee Depot, Butte
Milwaukee Depot, Butte Milwaukee Depot, Butte (PAc 91-51 B4 RollDM09 F27). Front to side view of the building, facing southwest on South Montana Street near the corner of South Montana and West 2nd Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Dale Martin Date: 1984
Milwaukee Depot, Butte
Milwaukee Depot, Butte Milwaukee Depot, Butte (PAc 91-51 B4 RollDM10 F04). Front to side view of the building, facing south near the building on South Montana Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Dale Martin Date: 1984
Milwaukee Depot, Butte
Milwaukee Depot, Butte Milwaukee Depot, Butte (PAc 91-51 B4 RollDM10 F25). Rear view of the building, facing east from the yard in back to show the satellite dish for the television station occupying the structure. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Dale Martin Date: 1984
Milwaukee Depot, Butte
Milwaukee Depot, Butte Milwaukee Depot, Butte (PAc 91-51 B4 RollDM10 F26). Rear to side view of the building, facing northeast from the yard in the back with the port structure running east and west connecting with the shop area. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Dale Martin Date: 1984
Milwaukee Depot, Butte
Milwaukee Depot, Butte Milwaukee Depot, Butte (PAc 91-51 B4 RollDM10 F27). Rear to side view of the building, facing southeast from beyond the back yard to show the building structure (shop) to the north side of the depot. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Dale Martin Date: 1984


1003 South Montana Street, Butte, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “Milwaukee Depot, Butte,” Historic Montana, accessed September 11, 2024,