Filed Under Butte

First National Bank, Butte

Butte National Historic Landmark District

Farmer, trader, and grist mill operator Andrew Jackson Davis, reportedly Montana’s first millionaire, founded the First National Bank in partnership with influential politician Samuel T. Hauser in 1877. Upon Davis’ death in 1890, a nephew of the same name took over banking operations. The younger Davis planned new quarters commensurate with the bank’s dignified status. Prominent architects Link and Haire designed the new Greek Revival style building, completed in 1909 and enlarged in 1915. Square classical lines, ornately carved stone, and decorative terra cotta highlight this well-preserved landmark.


First National Bank, Butte
First National Bank, Butte View of the First National Bank in Butte at the northwest corner of Main and Broadway. Men stand on the sidewalk around the building and awnings cover many of the windows. Source: PAc 946-087, Montana Historical Society Research Center Photograph Archives, Helena, MT. Creator: B.E. Calkins and Co. photographer Date: Between 1909-1920
First National Bank
First National Bank First National Bank (PAc 91-51 B1 RollCBD10 F23). Front to side view of the building, facing northwest on the corner of North Main Street and East Broadway Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: 1985
First National Bank
First National Bank First National Bank (PAc 91-51 B1 RollCBD10 F24). Front view of the building, facing west on North Main Street near the corner of North Main and Broadway Street. B&W. Source: Montana State Historic Preservation Office from the Photograph Archives at the Montana Historical Society Creator: Photographer unidentified Date: 1985


101 North Main Street, Butte, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “First National Bank, Butte,” Historic Montana, accessed October 16, 2024,