Filed Under Livingston

122 South Yellowstone Street

Livingston Westside Residential Historic District

Hand-cut local sandstone showcases the fine craftsmanship of master stonemason Martin Rolfson, who built this Colonial Revival style home in 1900. A hipped roof with front-facing gable and off-center frame porch create balanced asymmetry, while a graceful semicircular window in the gable, denticulated eaves, and multi-paned windows with leaded beveled glass add rich elegance to the dignified stone façade. Interior finishing reflects discriminating turn-of-the-twentieth-century taste: Corinthian columns, maple hardwood floors, and oak pocket doors. One of the district’s five stone residences, the home has served primarily as a private dwelling, although for a time it was a boarding house and, more recently, an inviting bed and breakfast inn.


122 S. Yellowstone, Livingston, MT
122 S. Yellowstone, Livingston, MT Creator: John Luther Date: June 2019


122 South Yellowstone Street, Livingston, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “122 South Yellowstone Street,” Historic Montana, accessed September 11, 2024,