Filed Under Livingston

The Mayne Store

Livingston Commercial Historic District

Historic maps of Main Street show that a vendor’s stand occupied this lot in 1891. By 1896, this small but very fashionable commercial building added to Livingston’s stylish downtown streetscape. The building is a fine example of the Western Commercial style of architecture with its tall arched windows and characteristic recessed and transomed storefront. Beautiful decorative brickwork reveals the presence of skilled masons in Livingston before the turn of the twentieth century. Pioneer resident and businessman Alva B. Mayne, who operated The Mayne Store at this location at the turn of the century, stocked “everything in dry goods and shoes.” Mayne was described as a man of kindness and charity who made many donations to the city and county “without comment.” Upon his death in 1913, he was honored as someone who “...did more for the material benefit of the city… than any other one man.” The store continued to operate during the 1910s under the management of W. E. Weber.


107 S. Main St., Livingston
107 S. Main St., Livingston The Mayne Store Creator: John Luther Date: Sept 2019


107 South Main Street, Livingston, Montana | Private


The Montana National Register Sign Program, “The Mayne Store,” Historic Montana, accessed October 23, 2024,